I did ok at the party last night. Had a few drinks but restrained myself on eating the food. I'm pretty happy about that however when I was returning home at 3am I became famished. So I stopped at Mc Donald's and got a cheese burger and diet coke. I'm trying to figure out why I become so hungry at night. Eating well during the day is easy for me. In the evening it is really hard for me to control my appetit.
So I grabbed some 5-HTP to see if it helps me with the nighttime cravings. Trying to figure out what triggers me to emotionally eat is hard for me. The odd thing is that if I am confronted with a bet I can do it no problem.
A few years ago we had a Biggest Loser contest at work. Everyone threw in $5 a week and after a month winner take all. I got my friend Carol to help me train and diet and kicked ass! Didn't cheat once, did every exercise, and lost 37lbs in 30 days. So I know that I can do it just need to maintain the lifestyle.
Spent today cleaning and organizing. I feel when I get my environment more in order it will help me keep my kind motivated and focused. Much wash is waiting to be folded as I type this.
I stated the Master Key yesterday and mediated both yesterday and today. I had gotten 5 or 6 weeks in previously. I'm going to do all 24 this time.
On the work front meeting with John and Melissa tomorrow about a possible collaboration on a TV series.
Seems we are off to a good start.